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January 2, 2020


The most wonderful time of the year has come and gone. I still can’t believe it’s 2020! The month of December was a fun, eventful month. I traveled out of the state three times, hosted 12 holiday giveaways on my Instagram, wrapped up many projects for the year and celebrated the holidays with family and friends.


Where I went

  • Cape Coral, FL / Lakewood Ranch, FL – photoshoot for my corporate job

  • Chicago, IL – Holiday trip with Nick and Leo. See the dedicated

    blog post here.

  • Denver, CO – Holiday trip with Nick


What I bought


 Where I ate

  • Sava’s – this restaurant in downtown Ann Arbor and has the best Sunday brunch!

  • First Watch – another great brunch option. I believe this is a chain restaurant but I tried it for the first time in Florida.


What I watched

You season 2 – we binged this in one weekend. It was a bit redundant of the first season but still a good show.

Alllll the Christmas movies – because…duh

What I listened to

Thick and Thin podcast – Katy rambles on (in the best way) about various topics that are so relatable.

Christmas music of course

What I accomplished

I accomplished balancing such a busy month. I love to stay busy but I also love lazy days at home, especially around the holidays. I met a lot of deadlines, traveled a lot, produced tons of content and managed to get great gifts for my loved ones.


One thing I am thankful for

I am very thankful for the time I had off of work towards the end of the month. This free time gave me the ability to travel, catch up on rest and feel recharged before the new year starts. I know I said I would only pick one thing per month but it wouldn’t feel right to not include how thankful I am for another year of holidays with my family and friends. I have amazing people in my life that make this time of year extra special!

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