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November 24, 2019

25 Fun Facts About Me

  1. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

  2. I have had five dogs, one cat, one hamster, a few hermit crabs and a few fish as pets throughout my life so far.

  3. I have scoliosis but thankfully it doesn’t affect my life as much as it used to.

  4. I took dance lessons for 13 years and miss it so much!

  5. The first country I ever traveled to outside of the U.S. was Honduras.

  6. I have really thick hair.

  7. My husband first caught my eye through a group photo he was in along with a friend of mine online.

  8. I hardly ever have my nails painted.

  9. I have a big sweet tooth.

  10. When I was younger I said I wanted to be a physical therapist but decided against it after I job shadowed and watched the PT rub a jelly ointment on an old man’s hairy back.

  11. I have always been fairly active but have been working out consistently at a gym (minus weeks when I’m sick) for about two and a half years now.

  12. On that note, HITT workouts are my favorite.

  13. I always have a water bottle with me.

  14. My middle name is a combination of both of my Grandmothers names.

  15. I have yet to decide if I’m going to change my name now that I am married and I’m in no rush to make that decision.

  16. I enjoy books and podcast that are for pure entertainment, but self-development ones are my favorite.

  17. I want to learn more about house plants and how to keep them alive.

  18. I love snuggling up with a blanket right after taking it out of the dryer.

  19. I prefer to shop online than in a store.

  20. I am prone to red and irritated eyes.

  21. Ice cream is the way to my heart.

  22. I long going on longs walks with people I love. That’s where I find the best conversations start.

  23. Target runs are my therapy.

  24. I’m afraid to light a match.

  25. I feel underdressed if I forget to wear earrings.

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