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April 22, 2020

15 Sustainable Products That Are Easy to Use

“We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.” -Anne Marie Bonneau

I’m starting this blog post out with that quote because I am not an expert on this topic and I know I’m not doing it perfectly and that’s ok. It’s easy for people to get into an all or nothing mindset with anything. Take health and fitness for example – some people decide to cut out all sugar and carbs overnight and start exercising way more than their body is used to. They are excited about this change for a week or so but then they almost always throw in the towel and go back to their old habits because it was too hard or they weren’t seeing the results quickly enough. Very few people are successful in making drastic changes quickly. For most of us, the best way to start making a positive change in any area of life in to ease into in, slowing making changes overtime by being consistent.

I believe the same is true with pursuing a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Start small and keep working on it over time. This could look like riding a bike instead of driving short distances, eating more seasonal/local plants, conserving water, buying second hand, reducing waste, recycling, etc. Any amount of effort to reduce your carbon footprint is valid and impactful. With that being said, here are 15 awesome products that will help you reduce waste and live a more sustainable life.

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1. Reusable Swabs – I like to clean my ears daily and also use swabs to remove makeup around my eyes. These reusable ones are a great alternative to the traditional one time use kind. Use code OLIVIA for 10% off.

2. Cold Drink Tumbler – There’s just something about drinking cold coffee out of a clear cup with a straw such as the ones from Starbucks which is why I love this equally satisfying, sustainable alternative!

3. Reusable Dryer Balls – This is such an easy swap to make in replace of traditional, individual dryer sheets.

4. Mesh Produce Tote – Skip the thin, plastic bags at the grocery store altogether or use one of these mesh bags instead.

5. Coffee Maker With Reusable Filter – if you drink coffee every day as I do, look for a french press or a traditional coffee maker like this one that has a reusable filter. This also saves the money you may have otherwise spent on paper filters or plastic pods so it’s a win-win!

6. Reusable Glass Straws – Stainless steel straws have been a trend for a while now which work just as well, but I prefer the width and transparency of these reusable glass straws! You won’t have to question if they are fully clean and they work great for thicker drinks like smoothies.

7. Earth Rated Dog Poo Bags – If you walk your dog or don’t own a yard like myself, poo bags are essential for picking up after your dog out of respect for others. Look for biodegradable bags/ ones made of recycled materials.

8. Reusable Make-up Remover Pads – I was never a big fan of makeup wipes to begin with but I do enjoy removing my makeup with these machine washable pads. Just a warning the makeup will likely stain these but they hold up well in the wash.

9. Portable Glass Coffee Cup – Do you like to bring coffee with you or get it on the go? I know this one can be hard to remember but try bringing along a clean, reusable cup to use. If you order coffee through a drive-thru just tell the barista you have your own cup before you order.

10. Scout Tote Bags – these reusable tote bags are a little on the pricy side but the shape and sturdiness of them are great for groceries (when you remember to bring them ;)), a packed lunch, or for transporting almost anything.

11. Bamboo Dish Brush – Opting for natural materials over plastic is always a great idea!

12. Avocado Hugger – I personally love to buy the mini avocados because I usually eat a whole one in one sitting but if I do buy the larger size, I like to use a hugger like this to keep the leftovers fresh and prevent it from browning.

13. Glass Tupperware – Apparently I have a thing for glass! We have this exact set of tupperware and use it for packed lunches, leftovers, and in replacement of plastic bags. I’ve tried reusable zip-lock bags and found them hard to clean so I prefer to use tupperware like this.

14. Motivational Reusable Water Bottle – There is no excuse to buy plastic individual water bottles when there are so many cute reusable ones. I love how this one encourages you to drink water throughout the day!

15. Compost Bin – A compost bin is something I want to incorporate into my life in the near future. This small one is adorable and a perfect size for a small kitchen.

I hope you found this post helpful and maybe discovered a new product you’d like to try to improve you own sustainability. I know there are many other products out there that help reduce waste, so feel free to comment below if you know of a great one!

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