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April 1, 2020

My Favorite Things To Enjoy At Home

Since most of us are going to be staying at home for at least another month I thought it would be fun to list out some of my favorite items in my home and collect a few that you can shop. I know staying home during this time is easier for some and harder for others but it really is so important that all of us who are able to stay home do so. I think items like these will make your home a more enjoyable place to be no matter where you are or how you are currently feeling.


I have been loving using my coffee mugs more often now that I’m enjoying making coffee at home each morning not just on the weekends. There are SO many cute coffee mugs, I have way too many but here’s a few I would choose from if I was in the market for some new ones.

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I LOVE being comfortable and taking advantage of working in sweats while I can. I do think it’s good to change out of PJ’s but who says you need to wear real pants to get stuff done around the house? A few weeks ago I did a whole blog post on my favorite sweatsuit sets that you can check out here in addition to the ideas below.

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Nick and I love these indoor activities all the time but have especially been enjoying them during this time. I know puzzles are sold out at a lot of big stores but I suggest looking at small businesses or local shops to see if they have some in stock. The two puzzles below are from a local store here in Ann Arbor.

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There’s nothing better than hanging out in a cozy home that smells good! I also think a good scent can help set the tone to relieve a little anxiety.

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I won’t lie, I’m not the type of person that can finish a book in one sitting or even read several chapters every day. However, when I am in the mood to read I like to have a few new books on stand by to enjoy. Here are a few that I have read or would like to read soon.

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I know working out at home isn’t the easiest when you are used to having a full gym but it’s definitely possible. There are plenty of workouts that you can do with your body weights only (no equipment) but there are also a few small items that you can incorporate to take your at-home workouts to the next level.

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I know this one isn’t for everyone but if you consider yourself even slightly creative I bet you would enjoy pulling out a sketchbook, colorful pens, paint, stickers, etc. to create. I have been working on my hand lettering skills both on a sketch pad and my iPad.

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Other things to pass the time at home including baking ingredients, movies, a bath bomb/soap, nail supplies, access to an online course, a journal, a camera of any kind, organizational items, etc. I hope this post helps you realize that you already have things to make staying at home a little easier or that it’s time for a little retail therapy. 😉 I know times are tough right now friends but hang in there, make the most out of each day and be kind to others.

Check out similar posts

Tips for Staying and Working at Home

Cute Sweatsuit Sets

Small Business I Love

Sweaters to Transition from Winter to Spring

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